It’s nice to share good news before Christmas ” Congratulations! Your ISPWP application has been reviewed, voted upon, and approved by the Membership Application Review Team. The ISPWP takes pride in accepting only the most experienced, talented, and professional wedding photographers in the world ” More information about The International Society of Professional...
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„ … March! March, Dabrowski! From Italy to Poland!” Just like the lyrics of the Polish national anthem, Julia and Daniele have undergone a similar journey this summer. They decided to start a new life in Wroclaw, a city often referred to as the „Polish Venice” (owing to the 200 bridges situated there )....
It’s high time to release Terra Studio’s archives. Autumn’s airing drawers starts from last year’s reportage. I hope its expiry date is still valid? Enjoy Najwyższy czas na małe uwolnienie Terra archiwum. Jesienne wietrzenie szuflad rozpoczynamy od zeszłorocznego jeszcze reportażu. Mam nadzieję, że data przydatności do spożycia wciąż jednak jest ważna? Smacznego ...