It’s high time to release Terra Studio’s archives. Autumn’s airing drawers starts from last year’s reportage. I hope its expiry date is still valid? Enjoy Najwyższy czas na małe uwolnienie Terra archiwum. Jesienne wietrzenie szuflad rozpoczynamy od zeszłorocznego jeszcze reportażu. Mam nadzieję, że data przydatności do spożycia wciąż jednak jest ważna? Smacznego ...
Tag Archives: Wedding reportage
When representatives of chilly Canada meet envoys from hot Italy in the Polish land of the Piasts’ dynasty it’s immediately obvious that the atmosphere will be specific… Adding to that the unique atmosphere of the “ town of meetings” and the Slavonic hospitality of natives, we get an extremely explosive mixture. Given the ambient...
This entry serves as an invitation for a trip to the capital of the Polish petrochemical industry. In this land of milk and oil, a photographic coverage formula mixes with “Formula 1” on a Saturday afternoon. Loads of emotions. At key moments – I’d say very key ones even – slightly more than at the...